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Call: 480-219-1010

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6116 East Arbor Avenue, Building 2, Suite 108, Mesa, AZ 85206


If you are getting ready for your first visit to EVU Center, welcome! We look forward to serving you and want to make your time with us as pleasant as possible. Below are a few things that you can do to help expedite your appointment:


Please download and complete the following forms (Please make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed): If you are female, then please fill out the following records: If you are male, then please fill out the following records: Bring completed forms to your appointment, along with your medical insurance cards. If you can’t complete your forms before your appointment, please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time for registration. You will also receive a phone reminder of your appointment time and date.


If you do not have your insurance cards available, you will be expected to pay at the time of service. All co-pays will be collected at registration. For your convenience, we accept MasterCard, Discover Card, Visa, and American Express credit and debit cards. Should your insurance require a referral, it’s your responsibility to contact your primary care physician prior to your appointment to obtain the referral.

If EVU Center is not a participating provider with your insurance plan, you will be expected to pay in full at the time of service. For questions regarding coverage, contact your plan administrator or call the number located on the back of your insurance card.

Cash Pay: Visits / Services

Many of our services are not covered under insurance. You’re expected to pay for services that aren’t covered by your insurance at the time of your visit or prior to the services being rendered. For your convenience, we have established a relationship with Care Credit to get pre-approved for potential services.

To expedite your visit, please:

  • Have the doctor’s office that referred you fax our office with your current lab results, CT scans and/or MRI reports pertaining to your visit. If you have copies of your lab results or X-rays, please bring them. Our fax number is 480-219-1771.
  • Bring a list of your current medications (with dosage amounts) along with your prior surgery(s) and approximate dates. If you complete the paperwork, you don’t have to bring this information.


Cancellation policy (office visits, procedures, and surgery)

If you’re unable to keep your appointment, please notify our office within 24 hours of the appointment to avoid a cancellation charge of $50. If you’re unable to reach our office during hours, you may leave a message.

Typically, we check urine samples at your visit. If you are unable to wait once you have arrived at our office, please inform the receptionist and a nurse will escort you to the bathroom.